Many times in the past I have been asked to provide tuition to people who are not in a regular school or college environment. I am able to assist you with this process.

If you are not able to attend a regular school or college due to illness, or any other reason but need to obtain GCSE Science subject, A levels in Biology or Chemistry then please contact me. I can provide tuition to cover a course from start to finish. I can also assist with locating an examination centre for both the written exam and practical exams.
When you contact me, we will discuss your needs and how I can assist you. I will suggest suitable courses and how you can sit exams. Advice will be provided on how to access labs to complete practicals, or how we can use certain qualifications to avoid the use of practicals.
In terms of the teaching, I will start from the beginning of the course. If you do not have prior knowledge, then I will automatically infill this information for you, to provid you with a good foundation to start from.
If your past exams have resulted in obtaining a grade that you are not happy with, then please contact me and I will see what I can do to help you to improve that grade. We can work together to build both your knowledge and examination technique.